Think Big but Step Small to Accomplish Big Dreams

Think Big but Step Small to Accomplish Big Dreamsthink_big

These are take-aways from Top Consortia Ensemble Travel Conference in Dallas Texas.  These words from Ensemble Travel Insites.

Hundreds of top travel agencies with Your Travelution Inc  ranked at 176 of 850 host travel agencies in  just 1 short year.

Your Travelution Inc is among agencies over 40 years old but we have proven our agents have what it takes to compete with the best travel agents in the country.

With a Focus on Training, Support and a Family Atmosphere of Love and Support, Your Travelution Inc is a  rare find among host agencies.  At Your Travelution Inc you will find great travel training with a unique combination of love, teamwork and a burning desire to help one another be the best we can be.think_big_3

Dream Big – but with Small Steps  paving the way to accomplish Big Dreams!

This is the take-away from Ensemble Travel Insights.

Thinking Big is about dreaming and strategic design; it answers the question, “What do I want?”  Thinking Small is about tactical planning; it answers the question, “How do I accomplish it?”

Great things are accomplished through thinking in small steps. People with big business dreams often forget these well-known truths about how to tackle big things. We become frustrated because things aren’t moving fast enough. We are ready to give up a dream because there is too much to do and don’t know which task to do first. When we do start a task, we abandon it if it takes longer or is more complicated than we think it should be.

We live in a world of instant gratification. We’re afraid that thinking small and taking small steps forward because we equate it with being small and having a small life. Nothing could be further from the truth.

No matter how much you try, you can only really do one thing at a time. You may think that multi-tasking makes you more productive, but studies show that multi-tasking actually reduces your ability to accomplish tasks. So instead of trying to do five tasks simultaneously put conscious effort into one task at a time, complete it, and move on to the next.

How do you know what small step to take first? Start by asking yourself, “What one small thing can I do, right now, that will move me towards my big goal?” Don’t give up if the answer doesn’t come to you immediately; have patience and allow the answer to bubble up to the surface.

If the answer still doesn’t come to you, ask other people for help. Talk to supportive people who fully understand your big dream and can help you to look at the small tasks you must do to accomplish the goal. Write down the tasks or draw them on a piece of paper and ask yourself, “Does this feel right?” Write in pencil so that you can re-arrange it until it truly feels right to you. Then do one small task at a time.

I’m encouraging you to do both, dream big AND think small.


